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Privacy Policy

By this PRIVACY POLICY, “MGP COMERCIALIZADORA DE PRODUCTOS NACIONALES SA DE CV”, informs you the terms in which the Personal Information collected will be treated, therefore, we recommend and thank you to read carefully the following information:

• 1 DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this PRIVACY POLICY, the terms indicated below, the meanings that are in this document are noted, whether they are written in singular or plural:

• 1.1. "Personal Information": any information relevant to an identified or identifiable natural person.

• 1.2. "Sensitive Personal Information": Those Personal Information that affect the intimate sphere of the Data Subject, or whose improper use may give rise to any type of discrimination or entail a serious risk for the Data Subject. Within this category are subject those data that may reveal personal aspects of the Data Subject, such as racial, ethnic origin, present and future health status, genetic information, religious, philosophical and moral beliefs, union membership, political opinions, sexual preference or financial situation.

• 1.3. "ARCO Rights": Right of the Title of the Personal Data to request the responsible for Access, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition regarding such data, as provided in the LFPDPPP and its Regulations.

• 1.4. "Dissociation":The procedure by which the Personal Data cannot be associated to the Title or allow, due to its structure, content or degree of disaggregation, the identification thereof.

• 1.5. "Processor": The individual or legal entity that alone or jointly with other individuals or legal entities processes Personal Data on behalf and under the instruction of the Controller, in accordance with the processes, terms and conditions indicated by the Controller.

• 1.6. “LFPDPPP”: Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals.

• 1.7. "Regulation": Regulation of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals.

• 1.8. "Responsible": The entity called “MGP COMERCIALIZADORA DE PRODUCTOS NACIONALES S.A. DE C.V.” which, acting in accordance with its corporate purpose, collects Personal Data for its processing in accordance with the purposes set forth in this PRIVACY POLICY.

• 1.9. "Data Subject": The natural person to whom the Personal Data correspond.

• 1.10. "Transfer": The communication of Personal Data within or outside the national territory, made to a person other than the Data Subject or the Controller.

All of the information we collect about you can be combined to help us personalize our communications to you and to determine new services or upgrades to the services we already provide, based on your needs and preferences.


The responsible party referred to in paragraph 1, item 1.8. of this PRIVACY POLICY, states that it is a company legally constituted under Mexican law and shall be individually responsible for the Personal Data it collects, and indicates as domicile for all purposes and obligations related to this PRIVACY POLICY the property located at Tebas n° 76, Clavería, Azcapotzalco, Mexico City Phone:

(+52) 5527 5877 from Monday to Friday from 08:30 AM to 06:30 PM.


In order to comply with the purposes indicated in section 4 of this PRIVACY POLICY, the Responsible Party informs you that it will collect the following categories of Personal Data:

• Identification and Location Data

• Contact Data

• Employment Data

• Academic or Professional Data

• Equity and/or Financial Data

• Sensitive Personal Data such as: past and present illnesses or diseases, union membership, religion and ethnic origin, when your case so warrants. In relation to this last category, we inform you that the Sensitive Personal Data collected from the Data Subject will be obtained only directly; that is to say, personally or through the Electronic Means made available, in the understanding that the Sensitive Personal Data collected will be treated with the exclusive purpose of carrying out and following up the personnel hiring process, in such treatment will be in the capacity of Responsible Party; the above in order to comply with the agreement between the Data Subject and the company “MGP COMERCIALIZADORA DE PRODUCTOS NACIONALES SA DE CV”.

The Personal Data of category (I) referred to in the first paragraph of this paragraph, may be collected by the Controller either personally or through the Electronic Means made available by the latter or through agents, promoters, commission agents or business partners, in order to follow up on a commercial request made by the Data Subject. The Holder declares that the Personal Data provided to the Controller are truthful and updated and undertakes to communicate to the Controller any modification to the Personal Data provided as soon as possible through the formats designated for such purpose. The Personal Data that you have provided directly or through electronic and printed media, have been collected and will be treated under the principles of legality, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility, in accordance with the provisions of LFPDPPP in Articles 15 and 16, and other applicable regulations, in order to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of user information compiled on the website and / or contracts. To ensure that the personal data you freely provide are correct and current, “MGP COMERCIALIZADORA DE PRODUCTOS NACIONALES S.A. DE C.V.” may collect information from external sources with legally authorized third parties.


The Personal Data collected by the Responsible will be used to serve the following purposes, according to the nature of:

A. Customers/Distributors

1. Clients/Distributors

2. ecessary for the legal relationship with the Responsible Part 3:

To comply with obligations undertaken.

To comply with the obligations contracted with our clients/concessionaires.

Conduct socio-economic investigations to grant any credit.

To perform billing and collections.

Follow up on orders and deliveries.

Handle complaints and claims.

Update data.

Provide information on events, loyalty programs, products and training related to the goods purchased and linked to the legal relationship.

Give commercial references to third parties linked to the contractual relationshi.

To conduct satisfaction surveys and evaluate the quality of our service.

For the defense of the Responsible's rights, including judicial, criminal or administrative proceedings.

Therefore, and in order to achieve the aforementioned purposes, personal identification, contact, labor, financial and patrimonial data will be processed, such as: date of birth; name; personal, office and fax telephone; country; address; proof of address; company you represent; official identification data; signature; sex; marital status; occupation, trade and/or studies; R.F.C; credit terms requested; amounts requested; credit granted; debts; income and bank account number.

Invite to events related to the goods and products of “MGP COMERCIALIZADORA DE PRODUCTOS NACIONALES S.A. DE C.V.”.,

Inform about promotions, discounts, services, publications, products and news.

To carry out internal studies for the development, marketing, advertising and commercial prospecting of new products and services in order to offer each of our customers-distributors the specific solutions to their needs.

Therefore, and in order to achieve the aforementioned purpose, only the personal identification and contact data indicated in the aforementioned subsection "i." will be processed. If you do not wish to receive news and communications related to the purposes indicated in item "ii." or have any questions about the use of your personal data and wish to contact us, please write to us at

1. Candidates/Employees

2. Purposes necessary for the legal relationship with the Responsible Party and the Data Subject: To carry out the process of recruitment, selection and labor hiring or independent service provision, as the case may be;

To conduct medical, psychometric tests, socio-economic study and request labor references related to the recruitment, selection and labor references related to the recruitment, selection and hiring of personnel;

Discharge in internal personnel management and control systems;

Conformation of the labor file and follow-up of the contracted obligations;

Providing references in case a third party requests reports related to their work performance as a possible candidate for a position, job or commission;

To manage and follow up on payments, benefits, insurance, insurance, benefits and taxes;

For internal legal purposes, including compliance with social security, tax, civil liability or similar obligations;

To include them in governmental formats where such data is required, and Defense of the Responsible Party's rights, including judicial, criminal, administrative proceedings or before labor authorities.

Therefore, and in order to achieve the aforementioned purposes, in attention to your quality of candidate/employee, your personal data of labor, identification, contact, academic, patrimonial and financial type will be treated, such as: employment history; professional license number; work telephone number; current position; employment references; AFORE, INFONAVIT, Social Security number; full name; CURP; RFC; passport number; gender; family references; driver's license number and type; voter's credential information; complete address; marital status; e-mail; schooling degree; academic history; professional exam results; date of birth; photo; languages spoken; place of birth; nationality; name of schools attended; personal telephone number; car make and model; amount received for bonuses, bonuses, commissions, savings fund and food vouchers, if applicable.

• 4 Sensitive Personal Data

Likewise, we inform you that in attention to your quality of candidate/employee and to comply with the purposes set forth in this notice, sensitive personal data will also be collected and processed, such as those that refer to your health condition resulting from the medical and psychometric tests applied to you, or that you provide us with; your union affiliation; religion and ethnic origin, when your case so warrants. The Responsible undertakes that the sensitive personal data indicated above will be treated under appropriate security measures, always ensuring confidentiality. Likewise, the obtaining of your express consent, when the case so warrants, will be done under the procedures established by the Responsible Party in accordance with the selection procedure resulting from the specific case.

1. Suppliers I. Necessary purposes for the legal relationship with the Responsible:

To comply with obligations contracted;

Register in the supplier master file;

Provide monitoring of the services or products purchased, and

For the defense of the rights of the Responsible, including judicial, criminal or administrative proceedings. Therefore, and in order to achieve the aforementioned purposes, identification, contact, financial and patrimonial data related to the provision of the contracted goods and services will be processed; such as, full name, address, telephone, CURP, RFC, form or means of payment and type of service or product to be provided.

2. Visitors I. Personal data will be treated with the purpose of keeping the registry and control of entrances and exits of the facilities of the Responsible, with the purpose of preserving the security of the personnel, of the people who visit us, as well as of the property itself. In order to accomplish the objectives stated above, personal identification data will be collected, such as: full name; time of entry and departure; e-mail; telephone; subject and person to whom you are visiting. Your Personal Data will be kept in our records for 30 days from the date you provide them to us, then we will proceed to delete your information if no commercial transaction or labor link is reached.


For the purposes outlined in this PRIVACY POLICY, the Controller will collect your Personal Data in different ways:

1.The Data Subject provides them directly.

2. By visiting the website Through sources that are permitted by law. Data Transfer The Data Controller does not sell or lend the personal data of the Data Subject to any third party, so that, given the nature of their relationship defined in paragraph 4, guarantees the same level of protection and commitment in the processing of your personal data. Likewise, the Controller may disclose the personal information provided by the Data Subject in order to comply with the applicable legislation or as required by the competent authority.


The Controller reserves the right to make changes or updates to this privacy notice at any time in response to legal changes in the legal systems, internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering of our services or products. The modifications will be available to the public by means of:

1. Visible announcements in the establishment of the Responsible Party or Customer Service Centers.

2. Leaflets or brochures issued by the Responsible at the establishments or customer service centers;

On the web page of [privacy notice section]; or iv. By e-mail.

In the event of a security breach at any stage of the processing of personal data that significantly affects your economic or moral rights, the Privacy Department of the Controller will immediately notify you by e-mail of the security breach, so that you can take the necessary measures to defend your rights.


The Data Subject, by himself or through a duly accredited legal representative, has recognized and may exercise the ARCO Rights granted by the LFPDPPP and its Regulations against the Responsible, by presenting himself at “MGP COMERCIALIZADORA DE PRODUCTOS NACIONALES S.A. DE C.V.”, where our collaborators will provide attention and will process your request to be attended by the Privacy Department. (ARCO Rights) i. ACCESS: to know specific information that the Responsible has in its possession ii. RECTIFICATION: request the rectification of Personal Data in case they are not updated, inaccurate or incomplete, to exercise this right you must submit the documentation proving the requested rectification in accordance with the Personal Data iii. CANCELLATION: blocking and subsequent deletion of Personal Data from our databases when you consider that it is not being used properly or for the purposes that gave rise to the legal relationship iv. OPPOSITION: oppose the use of your Personal Data for specific purposes. The exercise of any of the ARCO Rights does not prevent the exercise of any other right. For the exercise of any of the ARCO Rights, the Data Subject or his/her legal representative may request an ARCO Rights exercise form to the e-mail address , hereinafter the "Form". Said Form must be filled out, signed and returned to the same email address accompanied by the documentation indicated below, which must be sent for evaluation scanned and legible, so that the Responsible can carry out the authentication of the Holder who requires to exercise their ARCO Rights: ✓ Valid official identification of the Holder Any of the following documents will be valid: Credential of the Federal Electoral Institute, Passport issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Military Service Card or Professional ID. In cases where the Data Subject exercises his/her ARCO Rights through a legal representative, in addition to proving the identity of both (Data Subject and Legal Representative), a legible copy of the power of attorney granted to the legal representative must be sent to the aforementioned email address, or if applicable, a power of attorney signed before two witnesses or a declaration in appearance of the Data Subject by which powers are granted to carry out this procedure before the Responsible Person. In case of exercising the right of rectification, the Data Subject or his/her legal representative must send to the e-mail addres the documentation supporting his/her request. The Controller will inform the Data Subject within a maximum period of 20 (twenty) business days as of the date of receipt of the e-mail address legal@mgpcomercializadora.mxIf the request submitted to the Controller is accepted and the Controller receives from the Data Subject or his legal representative the documentation referred to in this paragraph, the result of the resolution will be effective within 15 (fifteen) business days from the date on which the response is communicated. In those cases in which the Data Subject wishes to revoke the authorization granted to the Controller with respect to the Personal Data provided, he/she shall make the corresponding request under the same terms established in this PRIVACY POLICY to exercise his/her ARCO rights. The delivery of the Personal Data will be free of charge upon proof of your identity before the Controller. By exception, in those cases in which, derived from the particular request of the Data Subject, justified shipping costs are generated to the Controller; and if applicable, reproduction costs or costs for the generation of copies or other formats that have as a reason to meet the request of the Data Subject, the Data Subject shall pay, in those cases in which it warrants it, such costs to the Controller, a situation that will be informed to the Data Subject by the Controller prior to the delivery of the data.


If the Data Subject considers that his or her right to protection of personal data has been violated by any conduct on the part of the Controller, in accordance with the provisions set forth in the LFPDPPP and its Regulations, he or she may file the corresponding complaint or denunciation before the INAI, for more information


By providing your personal data to the Responsible of “MGP COMERCIALIZADORA DE PRODUCTOS NACIONALES SA DE CV”, the Holder expressly acknowledges and accepts the terms and conditions of this AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD, as the same may be modified or adjusted from time to time and gives its consent for “MGP COMERCIALIZADORA DE PRODUCTOS NACIONALES SA DE CV”, proceed with the processing of your personal data in the manner explained herein, in case the Holder does not accept this AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD, exercise the rights conferred by the LFPDPPP and its Regulations, as previously described in section 7.